This year, my husband and I decided to celebrate his birthday in Vienna together with our friends. And we were not disappointed then. Austrian capital enchanted us! Within five days term we have got awesome experience in the hospitable Vienna.

It was a wonderful short winter vacation. Despite the winter cold, we had a feeling of comfort and warm. Friends in Vienna – Mr. Werner Prey and Oksana Polianskaja – made our vacation trip to Vienna unforgettable. Our special thanks to Oksana, she is really a rare professional. Oksana build up our program in such a manner that we managed to see and feel all the charm of Austria with its’ culture and beautiful landscapes.

Apart from the city we managed to visit historical places of Low Lands Austria as well as had traditional meals of Austrian cuisine. We definitely want to return back here.

Sukhov family,
St.Petersbourg, Russia

В Парке Бадена у памятника Штраусу и Ланеру

In the city park of Baden by the monument to Strauss and Lahner

На фоне летней резиденции Габсбургов - дворца Шенбрунн

Schönbrunn – a former imperial summer residence of the Habsburg monarchs

В типичном венском кофехаузе подают яблочный штрудель и Кайзершмарен

In typical vienneese coffee house

Нижняя Австрия. Замок Лихтенштейн

Lichtenstein castle, Lower Austria

С горы Леопольдсберг можно насладиться прекрасным видом в любую погоду

Panoramic view of Vienna from Leopoldsberg