Together with Oksana we traveled to a number of small historical towns, located within 100 km away from Vienna (this was initially arranged to ensure that the trip will fit into one day and will not be too tiring for our 11-year-old son). All our trips were highlighted by rich historical past and were remote from mass tourist routes. These two preconditions are the most valuable in our travels.

Out of all various impressions I would like especially to mention the medieval Krems (Кремс), that fascinated us with its’ unique old town and an unusual sense of peace and silence that are so rare in the tourist popular places. Then it was Melk Abbey , an amazingly majestic structure, picturesquely stretched along Danube banks. It is worthwhile to come here, at least for the sake of magnificent panoramas and to wander through the narrow streets of the medieval city.

Any trip to Austria with Oksana Polianskaja is a small adventure always filled with new discoveries and impressions. The unique feature of such travels is in Oksana’s multiculturalism. Over the 25 years in Austria Oksana has not lost ties with her former compatriots and really understands them from “half a word”. On the other hand, fluent German, deep knowledge of the history, culture and traditions of Austria enable to discover and reveal to her companions completely new and unexpected aspects of the life in this country.

For example, when we finally reached, after a long search  Mayerling castle (the place known to every Austrian due to the tragic death of the Crown Prince Rudolph), we discovered that the estate had just been closed for a lunch break. However, after a short conversation between Oksana and a museum keeper, who probably still remembers Kaiser Franz Joseph, she not only allowed us to enter the castle, but also led us to places that are normally closed for tourists.

After intensive, full of impressions tours, it is always good to relax in a typical Austrian restaurant or guest house, visited only by locals. Oksana is always ready to assist you, offering places not only perfectly balanced from the kitchen quality and the prices, but also filled with national flavor. Many of the places we visited with her you will never find in a Tripadvisor, but because of this, they are even better.

Leaving back home from Austria we unintentionally begin to think that we want to come back again. Then, when saying goodbye to Oksana, we already discussing the new routes in this amazing country, which we will certainly go by together.

I believe that “Friends in Austria” has found an excellent solution, both for experienced travelers and for those who are coming down for the first time. Frequent travelers could be proposed to go through the new routes and visit new interesting places, and the first acquaintance with Austria will be much more fascinating and diverse in the company of pleasant people living here and who are in love with this country, its’ history and culture.

Sergey Gulyi
CEO Nutrimed (Kiev, Ukraine)

С семьей Гулых в музее Мир аметистов. Нижняя Австрия

Gulyi family visit World of Amethyst museum. Lower Austria

Наши гости ценят австрийскую кухню и местные вина

Our guests appreciate Austrain cuisine and local wines

Семья Гулых в гостях у Друзей в Вене. Нижняя Австрия

Gulyi family in Lower Austria

Дворцы и замки Нижней Австрии

Palaces and castles of Lower Austria

Возле знаменитого замка Майерлинг

Visiting famous Mayeling castle

В городке Кремс всегда особая атмосфера

Town Krems with its remarkable atmosphere

У въезда в Кремс

Gate of Krems

Уголок средневекового Кремса

Part of medieval town Krems

Ночной Кремс

Krems at night

Возле монастыря в городе Мельк

Visit to Melk Abbey, Lower Austria